Monday, March 31, 2008

Who are we?

I am a mother of 2 girls who is married to a wonderful guy. I am still in love with my knight after 20 years. We feel like we live our lives going against the grain of life. We are one of those knots you see in the board. We are Christians, we homeschool and we (3 of us) are gluten free. Nothing normal about this family.

My husband owns his own business and I help him with the books. God seemed to match us up perfectly. I also run our local R.O.C.K. group, because I wanted to make a difference in our world.

We are working on our 2nd year being gluten free and I have been Casein free for most of 10 years. I have done dairy challenges 2 different times and finally except that I will be dairy free for life. The kids have had their own food issues journey's that have a story. That is for another day. Each one of us seem to have our own issues. My husband is fortunate enough to only have to avoid black beans. Both kids seem to be similar with different symptoms. They avoid gluten, dairy (their weakness), and need to rotate in peanuts and beef. I am the most complicated with about 20 different food allergies. I avoid gluten, dairy, pork, kidney beans and sesame seeds. I can tolerate on occasion beef rib cuts (and other red meats), almonds, peanuts, walnuts, pineapple, and mangoes. The rest of my food allergies, I am fortunate enough to rotate in. In our house, the rule is no gluten allowed, except my husbands bread. I cook with soy cheeses, but my husband wants his dairy choices and so this seems to be tempting for the kids. However the kids seem to tolerate dairy better then I do. Even though dairy seems to be a weakness outside of the home for me, I seem to be strong against the temptations at home. I will choose my soy versions over the dairy. But it is really hard to pack my Soy Delicious ice cream to picnics or on vacation.

We still find ways to enjoy our gluten free life and enjoy flavors.

We also are adventurers and take any opportunity we can to go on a field trip. We have seen the Red Woods, Mount Saint Helens, lava tubes, lave fields, Aquariums, La Brae Tar Pits, and numerous museums. Right now we are learning about The Ice Age, Pioneers era and Sled Dogs. One seems to over lap the other. But we love to learn in ways we can touch, feel and imagine.

The Picture above is a tar pit we seen when we visited La Brae Tar Pits this last February.

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