Sunday, July 12, 2009

My Camping Menu for July 2009

I thought I would share my last camping menu. We were dry camping and using a stove.

Day 1 - leaving
- Lunch - Rice salad (rice, chopped onions, celery, other veggies, cut (turkey) ham and Italian dressing). I pre-made this before leaving house.
- Dinner - Store bought Rotisserie Chicken (Fred Meyers), BBQ Beans, and fresh cut up veggies.

Day 2
- Breakfast- French Toast with Trader Joe's Rice Bread.
- Lunch - GF Sandwiches and fruit.
- Dinner - Tuna Mac (rice noodles, tuna, mayo, and (soy) grated cheese), fresh cut up veggies.

Day 3
- Breakfast - Boiled Eggs and Hot Cereal (Boil extra and boil potato's for Potato Salad).
- Lunch - Taco Salad.
- Dinner - Hot Dogs, Potato Salad, and cut up veggies.

Day 4
- Breakfast - Chorizo Egg Scramble, corn tortillas, can fruit.
- Lunch - Chili, Chips and (soy) grated cheese.
- Dinner - Boy Scout Meal in aluminum foil pouch cooked in fire. (Potatoes, ground meat, frozen veggies, and Catchup).

Day 5
- Breakfast - Egg hash and Kinnickinick donuts.
- Lunch - Sandwiches and leftovers.
Go home.

Snacks - GF cookies, chips, marshmallows, chocolate, fruit, and fruit roll-ups. (I save some of these special treats just for camping.)

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